piano what to expectWhat to Expect at St. Elmo Pres

Sunday morning worship is a time characterized by vibrant congregational singing, shared leadership of the service, and a focus on our need for the gospel and the sufficiency of Jesus. We like it. We still sing from hymnbooks (the revised Trinity Hymnal, The Psalter, and other older hymns), but we also sing many contemporary choruses from the 70s through our current year, and special music may include bluegrass, jazz, or classical selections. We take an offering on Sunday mornings, and the first Sunday of each month we:

  • take an offering for our Deacons’ Fund which helps those in need in our church and at times, in our neighborhood.
  • get together for a potluck lunch after the morning worship service.
  • celebrate the Lord’s Supper (communion), which includes choice of small cups of juice or wine, and gluten-free bread.

communion bread2

During the offering the 3 and 4 year-olds are invited to Little Lambs, a modified worship downstairs. We also have nursery for infants through 2 years old.

Also, during the offering, the congregation is invited to stand and give praise, or prayer request, or a special reading from the Bible, or even give a musical offering.

Most of us dress casually for Sunday morning worship, but we also have a few fashionistas among us of all ages, and we LOVE to talk to each other Sunday mornings before and after Sunday School and morning worship. Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate and come hang out with us.

An overflow area is available downstairs (enter using back stairs in sanctuary or 44th Street entrance ramp) for more seating or those with medical infirmities (back injuries, post surgical healing) and parents with situations with children (nursing, correction, attention).